Do I Need To Clean My Air Ducts?

clean airduct by AmeriClean


Do I Need to Clean My Air Ducts?

Fall is almost here and soon the cold Midwest nights will be upon us which means its almost time to turn on your furnace. Just like your car or home appliances you will want to make sure your furnace is in top mechanical condition and ready to keep you and your family warm. The best way to do this is to schedule your annual furnace tune-up and inspection with a licensed HVAC contractor.

In addition to making sure your furnace is ready for winter, it’s also a good time to see if it is time to have your air ducts cleaned. Knowing if your air ducts need to be cleaned isn’t as easy as determining if your carpets need to be cleaned, but here are 5 easy ways to tell if you should have your air ducts cleaned.

Have you remodeled your home?

Fall is almost here and soon the cold Midwest nights will be upon us which means its almost time to turn on your furnace. Just like your car or home appliances you will want to make sure your furnace is in top mechanical condition and ready to keep you and your family warm. The best way to do this is to schedule your annual furnace tune-up and inspection with a licensed HVAC contractor.

In addition to making sure your furnace is ready for winter, it’s also a good time to see if it is time to have your air ducts cleaned. Knowing if your air ducts need to be cleaned isn’t as easy as determining if your carpets need to be cleaned, but here are 5 easy ways to tell if you should have your air ducts cleaned.

>>Learn More: Duct Cleaning, General Information and Tips

Is your furnace filter getting dirty quicker than normal?

One of the easiest ways to tell if your home has excessive amounts of dust in the air ducts and the indoor environment is if your furnace filter is dirtier than normal when you change it. In most homes changing the furnace filter every 3 months is adequate, but if you find you are having to change it more often or the filter is clogged at the 3-month mark, it’s time to have your air ducts inspected and most likely cleaned.

Has mold been found in your home?

If you discover mold in your home cleaning the air ducts should be the final step in the remediation process. Removing the mold from the affected materials in your home is an important part of the remediation process but don’t forget that mold has most likely become airborne and found its way into your air ducts.  A thorough cleaning by an air duct cleaning professional will remove spores that have taken up residence in your air ducts.

>>Related: Do you need to sanitize your air ducts?

Are your energy costs higher than normal?

Did you know that a clogged furnace filters, dirty cooling coils and dirty furnace blowers all can cause your furnace to work harder which in turn means more energy is used to heat or cool your home? If you find your filter is constantly dirty, its time to have your air ducts cleaned and reduce the stress being put on your furnace.

*Bonus Benefit:  An HVAC system that is having to work harder not only uses more energy, but it is more likely to break down because of the added stress being placed on it.

Is your home dustier than normal?

In most homes, the furnace re-circulates the air in your home 5 to 7 times per day.  If the air ducts in your home are full of dust and allergens, when the furnace blower turns on it is pushing air through a dirty duct and increasing the likelihood of a dusty indoor environment. Maintaining clean air ducts reduces the chance of debris in your air ducts becoming loose and entering your home.

If you said yes to any of the items above, then it is time to schedule a professional air duct cleaning. To find a trustworthy contractor in your area, go to and use the Find a NADCA professional tool.


About AmeriClean

Since 1986, AmeriClean has helped home and business owners in Northwest Indiana keep their properties looking like new. Whether you need carpet, duct or rug cleaning, or have been impacted by a fire, water or mold damage, AmeriClean is here to help!


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